Teaching Applicants

Teaching Applicants - FAQ

  • 1) Where can I obtain an application? 
    Just click on Teaching Application from the Human Resource home page. You will see a picture of a computer - click on the picture and you're ready to log in! The District now prefers that you apply online. We offer e will no longer accept paper applications. 
    How do I apply for a position?
    Simply log on and begin entering your information.  It's that simple.  The online system is called WNYRIC Job Applicant Tracker and we will post our certified teaching/administrative staff openings on that site.  You can click on the posting directly to apply here:



    Once your application is completed in the system, you will receive a system e-mail advising you that you are done.


    You may scan in your transcripts, letters of reference, etc. as an attachment.  You can also copy your resume and cover letter.  This is a database and is shared by several school districts in the area.  Any district that you select will have access to your file.

     After I apply, what happens next?

    Applications are kept active in the WNYRIC Job Applicant system for one year.


    Each time you log into the system, your date is automatically updated.  So there is no need to re-apply every year.


    When the hiring committee is ready, they will review the applications in whatever certification area that is needed.  Those who are selected for an interview will be contacted by the office staff.

     How can I find out about open positions?
    Positions are posted in the WNY Job Applicant Tracker and are also posted in all school buildings and administrative offices.


    When a position becomes available, the hiring principal will use the system to pull all applications that are available in the database. They will be reviewed and interviews scheduled by their office staff.


    If we do not have enough applicants on file in a particular certification area, we will advertise in local newspapers and on our website under open positions.


    Check the application system website periodically for any posted positions.

    If I have been fingerprinted as part of my certificate, do I need to be fingerprinted again for employment in the District?

    No, you need only fill out an OSPRA 102 form so that Niagara Wheatfield can obtain your Clearance for Employment from New York State.  You do not need to pay anything additional for this clearance.

    How can I find out about substitute teaching in the District?
    We use the WNYRIC application site for all teaching positions.  We continuously recruit Teacher Substitutes and keep an active posting on that site.  If you have any questions about becoming a Teacher Substitute, contact Kimberly Meisenberg at 716-215-3004.Rates are as follows for 24-25 SY':


    Pay Rate 

    NYS Certified Substitute Teachers:

    Days 1-20 

      Days 21-45

    Days 46 & Up 

    Days 91 and Up

    >20 days for same Teacher

    Retired Niagara Wheatfield CSD Teachers


    $115/per day

    $120/per day

    $130/per day

    $235.92/per day

    Step 1 rate $235.92/per day

    $130/per day

    Non-Certified Substitute Teachers:


    Days 1-20

    Days 21-45

    Days 46 & Up

    >20 Days for Same Teacher




    $110/per day

    $115/per day

    $125/per day

    $160/per day


    Building-Based Substitute Teachers:


    >90 days

    $130/per day


    Step 1 rate $235.92/per day

    Bus Driver Substitute & Bus Driver Trainee


    Teacher Aides, Monitor/Cleaners, Bus Attendants,

    Personal Care Aides, Clerical/Typists,

    Cleaners, Laborers


    School Nurse Substitutes (RN)
