Welcome and Contact Information

  • Jennifer Golias, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology  |  716-215-3008

    Jessica Smith, Assistant Director of Technology & Information Services |  716-215-3197

    The work of the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology is dedicated to ensuring that Niagara Wheatfield students and teachers have the resources (technology, curriculum and instruction materials, and training) they need in order to advance their learning. The work also supports data compliance and security which, although not directly related to student learning, is a vital component of public schools, and ensures student and teacher data safety, and the continuation of support we receive from NYSED.

    Our current departmental goals are in alignment with the District CDEP goals.

    Goal 1: Every classroom will have equitable resources (technology, curriculum and instruction, and training) for teachers and students.

    Goal 2: There will be increased access to innovative instructional technology - to accelerate student learning.

    Goal 3: There will be increased opportunities for community members to further their knowledge - to support their children’s learning